Please report all crime or suspicious activity

Please report all crime or suspicious activity, no matter how small you believe it is.

Your information may be the missing piece required to help law enforcement identify a suspect. Do not investigate yourself. Call in your information and let the Belleville Police or County Sheriff take it from there.

If you witness a crime, or have information about a crime or any suspicious activity, it is really important to pass that information along. Sometimes it can be hard to decide if the information you have is important, but if no one reports a crime, then it is as if it never happened. The criminal is free to commit more crime and the police have no information in order to solve a crime or make an arrest.

The Belleville Police and the St. Clair County Sheriff depend on information provided by the community to contribute to investigations. Even if it does not lead to immediate police attention, a lot of what you see and hear is valuable information.

Please report directly to law enforcement by calling the non-emergency numbers:

Call 911 immediately if you see a crime happening

What to report?

  • Any criminal activity or persons acting in a suspicious manner.
  • Include details about what and where it’s happening. Include everything you observed.

Your information is important so please share and provide as much detail as possible.

Tips for observations:

  • Start from the top and work down. The face contains the most detail and features. If you start from their head and work down to their shoes you will gather information in an order you can remember. Even if they turn or run away, you may still be able to identify gender and physical description, including age, race, height, build and clothing.
  • If reporting a vehicle, start with the vehicle’s license plate number, the make, model, color and any identifiable markings. If possible, try to get a description of the driver and passengers.
  • Location is important. Include a street address if possible, closest cross street and/or landmarks.

Be vigilant neighbors, and stay safe!